Private Investigation

Private Investigation

Expert private investigation and cyber investigation services for lawyers. 

We possess decades of investigative experience, including law enforcement, private investigation, cyber, corporate, and digital evidence collection from a variety of sources.

Private Investigation

Private investigation is the process of using proven methods, tools, and tactics to identify facts. 

To excel in the field of private investigation, an investigator must be experienced and talented in many facets of investigation, including data gathering and tracking, forensics, direct questioning, information synthesis and analysis, and communications. 

Many sectors and industries rely on private investigation for various purposes, including civil litigation support, criminal defense, intellectual property theft identification and prevention, and business analysis. Carden Rose provides expert private investigation services to:
  • Attorneys, for both criminal and civil cases; 
  • Local public agencies and entities; 
  • School districts; and 
  • Corporations
Each case or assignment requires diligent research and private investigation to identify the facts and information requested by the client. Carden Rose investigators are meticulous and thorough and will deliver the results you need. 

Our private investigation focuses on: 
  • Digital Forensics and Cyber Investigation
  • Litigation Support (e.g., e-Discovery and Expert Witness Services)

Common Requests for Private Investigation 

Family Law – Divorce & Custody Disputes
  • Identify financial information or assets that are concealed or obfuscated
  • Identify information to refute false accusations by one spouse against another; 
  • Investigate improper spousal behavior; 
  • Investigate inappropriate behavior by one spouse that may endanger or place the children at risk (e.g., child pornography addiction, pedophilia, etc.)
A husband claimed that his wife hacked his email account, which prevented him from providing evidence available in his email. Carden Rose was retained by the wife to counter the husband’s expert’s opinion regarding the accessibility of husband’s email account. 

Intellectual Property Theft

As more corporations operate internationally via shared networks and cloud-based systems, and with the boom of technology start-ups worldwide, there is an ever-increasing risk of intellectual property theft. Carden Rose receives many requests to investigate and analyze whether a current or former employee has made off with the company’s secret information. 

Criminal Defense 

When it comes to criminal cases, we focus on the data.

Carden Rose is regularly retained by criminal defense attorneys who are seeking an expert's review of the evidence. Often, law enforcement agencies and prosecutors are solely focused on presenting inculpatory evidence, without digging for and analyzing the exculpatory evidence that may exist

Law enforcement agencies may attempt to convict an alleged criminal based on a minimal amount of evidence, e.g. - the police may have obtained one cell phone that suggests criminal wrongdoing and the District Attorney proceeds with a case. However, a thorough review may reveal the insufficiency of the evidence, either through more information identified on the cell phone, or by identifying additional evidence that undercuts the probative value of the evidence contained on the cell phone. 

Hiring a private investigator who can examine the digital evidence and provide an expert opinion is critical to effectively representing a client. 
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